ELFs Kino
The film tells the inspiring true story of Dream Alliance, an unlikely racehorse bred by small town Welsh bartender Jan Vokes and an inexperienced syndicate in the valleys of South Wales.
With very little money and no experience, Jan convinces her neighbours to chip in their meagre earnings to help raise Dream in the hopes he can compete with the racing elite.
“Yes, it’s schmaltzy, but with strong performances by Toni Collette and Damian Lewis the odds are that you’ll love it. This movie gets a real gallop on, due to the sheer warmth of its performances.” (Peter Bradshaw - The guardian)
UK 2021; 113 min.; Director: Euros Lyn; English with German Subtitles
Cast: Toni Collette, Damian Lewis, Owen Teale, Alan David a.o
- Zutritt mit 2G Nachweis (geimpft oder genesen)
- im Haus FFP2-Maskenpflicht
- zugewiesene Sitzplätze (reservieren empfohlen)